
Thursday, 26 July 2018

Never Give Up! - Dream

  1. What is the message in this clip? - The message in this clip is telling us to NEVER GIVE UP! 🙅🙅 and to reach for the TOP!🙆 Keep believing in our dreams and don't try to fit in with friends, family etc.
  2. What is mine or your dream? - My dream is to become a chef so that, I can cook for others that need food around the world! and to, become a Babysitter because I love babies. 
  3. How will I achieve my dream? - I will achieve my dream  by, Studying foods that i haven't seen or taste, and to be hired and become, a Babysitter to help there caregiver or parent. - Who needs to help you? - If I needed help, I would ask the most to special people I cherish in my life which are my parents. What do I need to achieve it? - I need to learn myself on how to become of what I want to be!
  4. Any other points to consider or think about? - I would believe in myself to achieve that dream that I want to be!😄

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome dream Tiria. Can I please be your taste tester? I love food and would love to sample your chef quality food! There are heaps of great chefs to follow who experiment with different flavours with menus they create.
    and our own NZ chefs or Al Brown
    Never give up on your dream!
