
Tuesday, 26 June 2018

If I could be a famous person, I would be..... ( Homework )

If I could be a famous person, I would be....... Obama !
I chose Obama because people can look up to him no matter what he does to help the world. I chose him because he is an inspiration to everyone and his peers.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

What I know about Motutapu Island!

This week I made a choice to right what I know about Motutapu Island. I know that Motutapu is and Island not far away from Rangitoto.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Making Play dough !

Last week Friday, Room 11 attempted to make Play Dough! It took a while for the Play Dough to form but who made it through the process. Half of our class Play Dough's where runny and sticky, we just wanted to hurry up and play with it.

Some of the boys attempted to make rolls with them but, they still had smiles on there faces and the girls laughed themselves to the ground. 
Thanks to Lesieli, our Friday wouldn't be satisfied with what we created. 

My Group and I attempted to make blue but it kinda turned into turquoise. We had fun making this but, we had to share with someone.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Room 11

 It's only 4 more weeks! until school Holidays! This term has been very competitive since theirs test ahead of us for Term 2.  Term 2 has been the best with Miss Tupou, even though she hassles us to get our work done. I wonder what will be happening next, in 
Term 3 !

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Softball 2018 !!

For the past 5 weeks, Room 11, has been learning new skills for Softball. We've had lots of fun with our Softball teachers ( Jasmine and Ashley ). We hope for more new lessons for the next 3 weeks before Term 3!