
Wednesday, 29 November 2017

The Legendary Taniwha

This is my Taniwha. As a class we made our Taniwha by writing a short story.

Thanks Giving - Dogo News

 Here are somethings that I learnt about Thanks Giving.
There may be some things that I have missed out.
There is a Link if you can not read it Properly.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Fitness for the day

Check out this video!
You may see me cheating because I couldn't be bothered and I was tired.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Book Blurbs

This is my description of what will happen next in my Book Blurb.

I am me! poem

Here is a description that is about me. They may not rhyme but that's not the crime. If you cant see it properly, here is the link. 

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Athlete Bio-graph - Simone Biles

Enjoy facts and other things about 
~ Simone Biles ~

The Christmas year is almost here!

This is something I made for Christmas.
I know that it's to early to post about Christmas but, I juts took the risk.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this presentation.
!Wait until the end there is a link that leads to a special surprise! 

Saturday, 11 November 2017

The 10th Annual Maniakalani Film Festival

On Wednesday The hole of Glen Taylor School travelled by Bus to Sylvia Park to Watch our Films at The Sylvia Park Cinemas. 
Take a Peak at what we watched at the cinemas with the whole school.
Oh and also we watched other schools as well.
Here is a class Photo we took while we where walking back to the bus's.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Room 9 Magic School bus 2017

Hey There! Take a sneak peak or just watch or Room 9 Maniakalani Film Festival.
Please enjoy our class film


Monday, 6 November 2017

Scariest Moment - In Australia

Image result for Big Lizards blue tongue

In Australia my family kept on moving from different houses. It was really boring and we all were getting sick and tired of moving every where.

Until we found a house that was suitable for five of us to live in, but there were other people that lived downstairs, they even lived downstairs for years and no one was living upstairs. They were even nice to us. The people that lived there before us showed us the one thing we wanted and that was the pool.

When we saw the pool we straight away went swimming and I forgot or didn't know, not to run when the ground is wet and slipped on my bottom and nearly cried but was alright.
After all that happened  it was dinner time and we were all on the balcony waiting until we saw something big moving at the same time.

While it was moving we just found out that it was a Lizard that lived in our wash house and the wash house was downstairs. My dad found a pole with a sharp end , and my dad threw it and it ran away and that is my scariest moment.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Halloween Extra Costumes

 WOW! I know that Halloween has passed, but look at the extra photos we took as a class.
You should of seen Miss Ly, she was really excited to see that there were a couple of kids that were dressed like Penywise and Goergy from the Horror Movie " IT ".
It was nice to see the Horror Movie Characters and blood dripping down our faces which was more scary. 
Try and find me in Room 9's Class Photo.