
Tuesday, 31 October 2017


Yay! It's HALLOWEEN. I wonder what is gonna happen tonight for all the kids that are going out tonight for the sweets and treats.
What I dressed up as is a random girl crying out blood and wears random clothes with blood everywhere.

Did you know that the FIRST Jack-O-Lantern was actually made from Turnips.
My Scariest moment from Halloween was when a teenager was riding behind my friends and I and he had a clown mask and I screamed.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Miss Ly's Holiday

Last Week or Last Term Room 9 guessed, what Miss Ly did for her holidays and I am pretty sure that I did get it right.

Monday, 23 October 2017

What I described about my Labour Weekend

Here are some things that described my Labour Weekend.

Goodbye Labour Weekend!

It's time to say goodbye to our labour weekend and getting on with our earning.
It's no big of a deal but at least we only get 4 days of school which is better than five.
Have a safe last day of our labour weekend and be active in school.

Image result for stay in school sayings
Stay in school kidz.

Friday, 20 October 2017

10 facts about me

Here is a Link to read about my 10 or more facts about me

Thursday, 19 October 2017

It's back to school

Yay! school is back. I bet you that your parents are having a wonderful time having peace and quite at home and going behind your backs eating junk foo that has been hidden from you once you get back from school and coming home or, your parents sleeping after work.
I bet that you kids are not excited about coming back for school instead of staying at home all day doing nothing but just sleeping which is hard to do during the day when it's board.

Have a good week back and school and the last Term for 2017.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

This is what my World Cloud really looks like!

This what my Word Cloud looks like on my slide.
It doesn't look like much but I tried.

What I know about Madina

Things I want to know about Madina
Buddy - Madina

Q1. What do you like to do in your own time?
Madina - A1. Playing in the garden, downloading new apps, playing with my friends.

Q2. What is your favourite thing in the whole world?
Madina - A2. Phone

Q3. Do you have any things you do in common with your family?
Madina - A3. Watching YouTube because we can watch things that are new to us.

Q4. What or who inspiring you?
Madina - A4.  My family siblings encourage me to come to school.

Q5. What would you be? And why?
Madina - A5. A fashion designer and because you get to make your own clothes.

Q6. How many siblings do you have in your family?
Madina - A6. 6 including Madina in her family.

Q7. What is the one thing that you can not live without?
Madina - A7. FOOOOOD because I would not be alive without food and I would also starve to death.

Q8. What is your favourite food or fruit?
Madina - A8. Fish burgers because the are good and they come with fries.

Q9. What is your favourite flavoured Ice Cream?
Madina - A9. Triple Chocolate with chocolate chips.

Q10. Do you like coming to school to learn? And Why?
Madina - A10. I like coming to school so that I could get an education but I don’t like half the kids in my classroom.

This is what I know about Madina. Look at Madina's Blog

Monday, 16 October 2017

NZ Sign Language

This is my presentation of NZ sign language.

Word Clouds

Today Room 9 made Word Clouds that described our Holidays.