
Wednesday, 27 September 2017

My Step By Step Graphic of how to make a Blog Post

This is how I know how to make a Blog Post step by step .
This is what I have done and described how to make a Blog Post for other to understand what it means in your quality learning.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Wednesday, 20 September 2017


It's time to make Volcanoes for Inquiry Learning.
Lets get to it.

Room 9 carries on making Volcanoes


Today and yesterday Room 9 carried on and making there Paper Mache Volcanoes.
It is fun but have of has didn't want to touch the glue because we only just washed our hands and it felt wrong if we touched it again.
But there is still lots to be done with our paper mache volcanoes.

But there is still lots to be done with our paper mache volcanoes,
at least we are having fun and being creative of what we have made and that also relates to our inquiry learning.

Monday, 18 September 2017

2 more weeks untill HOLIDAYS!

There are only 2 more weeks untill the Holidays.
I wonder what you will be up to during them.
Have the rest of the fun in school for 2 more weeks. 
Make your teacher have fun and you also as well.

How to make......Paper Mache Volcanoes

 This is my little brother. As you can see we are in                the same class room.

Today as a class we agreed to make Paper Mache Volcanoes.
It was so fun that everyone rushed and all the glue we had used was an empty container with bit's of glue left behind.
What I can improve in my making paper mache volcanoes is to make it more steady and more stable as well.

  This is me just concentrating on my volcano and                  other things as well.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Quality Blog Comments

This is my quality Blog comments

2017 Cross Country!

This morning at 9:30 or 10:00 all the year 3's, 4's, 5 and 6's and the 7's and 8's, had a huge day to start off. The thing we stared was our Cross Country! It was a mission when we had to run, we couldn't even walk because our teachers where watching us and half off the students in Glen Taylor School had 3 or more stitches and it was painful. At least we got to spend half the morning with out work and getting outside more too.
We had so much fun.
Can't wait for next Terms Cross Country.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

What does F-I-R-E mean to you?

This is what I wrote about F-I-R-E means to me in my learning and other places I go to do the same at school during my learning time.
This what I always thought what F-I-R-E meant to me in a lot of different ways.

This is what F-I-R-E means to me. 

Friday, 8 September 2017

Dogo New's Article 2K17

This is for our Guided Reading for the morning.

Room 9 Quick Write for Term 3

This is always the morning thing before the class goes out and play,

The Room 9 Film Festival preparation!

Room 9's Film Festival Preparation!

For Week 5 in Term 3 Room 9 is making a Film Festival preparation for what we know about Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis.
Room 9 is making a school bus and drew on it with our own fun images and that relates to school the most.
Our groups are doing well and getting good information of why it happens and how does it happen or other different questions.
As soon as we finish doing the research and the drawing we paint the bus and cut it out and glue it on cardboard so that the thin paper doesn't fall on anyone. 

Emotions, Emotions, Emotions


Confused is the colour BLACK.
It smells like Plain Air that doesn’t go with anything.
Confused tastes like dirty water and clean water is on the other side.
Confused sounds like mind talking.
It looks like someone who is stressed out.
Confused feels like you can’t do anything.

Embarrassed is the colour PURPLE.
It smells like sweat that you can’t stand.
Embarrassed taste like Plain Flour and you don’t care what you are doing.
Embarrassed sounds like quiet but with birds chirping in the background.
Embarrassed feels like running out on people.

Surprised is the colour GOLD.
It smells like Birthday Cakes and sprinkles in the ai,.
Surprised taste like out of hand chocolate bars,
It looks like someone jumped out of excitement,
Surprised sounds like whispers that are hiding in a really, really dark room for the people to leap out,

Surprised feels like you had an unexpected day.


Today I wrote about Volcanoes it's not much but enjoy.