
Friday, 28 July 2017

Room 9's first Assembly Term 3!!!!

In Assembly I felt Shaky because it was Room 9's first assembly and we did not know that it was our assembly for the first week of school.

This was a class photo of us as a class DABBING!!!


This is me in the Pink hooded jacket asking for our Deputy Principle to hand out our certificates for the week.

This a photo of us introducing of what Kawa of Care means to us as a class.

First Day with our Buddy Class 2017!!!

For the first time in for over we got to meet our Buddy Class for 2017 and we enjoyed it very very much.                                              

This a photo of me and my Buddy poking the tongues for no reason.

This is a group photo of me and My Buddy and my friends in the background.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Who's your Super Hero???

The Super Hero I chose for my blog was WONDER WOMAN!!!
The reason I chose was because she was on Fast and the Furious 6 movie.
She has inspired me to do and help great things with other people.
This is 

Family In Wellington

This is my mums family from Wellington and we have not seen them in a long time, since       we moved from Australia and then Wellington then next Auckland where I live now.
    The names to my mums Family: 
    Papa Sione
    Nana Dianne
    Mama Mele
    Uncle Junior
    Aunty  Muna
    Aunty Losa 
    My Mum Janet
    Aunty Lingi
   Uncle Tumapi
    & Uncle Tala
This is the MAKASINI family


Thursday, 20 July 2017

What we did in Term 1

Coree, Angel & Tiria

This term Room 9 has been creating & learning new things in our classroom.
As a class we designed  our own T ~ shirts and outlined them in pastels & painted it after the plastering.

Also we have been learning about what does a mathematician look like,
We also achieved our  chromebooks everyone has there own and no one can touch theres.

We know keyboard shortcuts as well.
Our Topic for this term is Rodents & streams.
The next thing we forgot to mention about our taniwhas.
And also we have our class treaty,Our 6 school Visions & Values.

The River Talks we talked about how we can keep our streams clean.
We learnt that throwing rubbish in the streams can hurt fish in the sea.
We also now that the streams

We are also learning how to write a recount writing about family and friends.

Last Day Of School!!!!

Man always has to be a unforgettable moment when it's the last day of school. Never forget a unforgettable thing.

Last day of school and there we go with shared pizza we are having. I love that pizza memories

Far out man always take a selfie when it's the last day of school. I'll never forget this moment of my life.



Every day after a long day I like to play my favourite song when I'm:
sleeping (sometimes)
board and feeling in the mood.
The Name of my favourite song is We know the way (remix) from Dj Noiz.
Here is the video if you would like to know.
Thanks for listening.

Keeping our suburbs clean

Image result for rubbish in glen innes
In Auckland my dad and I was walking around Glen Inns and we saw rubbish flying around and the rubbish ended on a bird, so we helped the bird and the bird nearly nipped us and we ran away from the bird and we watched the bird fly away, so we kept on and picked up every single piece of rubbish we saw.  

So keep New Zealand clean so that it won't harm any animals that hang around Glen Inns.

Tutira Mai Team All Blacks

This was a challenge for schools and Marae in New Zealand and around Auckland.


My Mum

This is a video of my mum Janet Makasini and her beautiful voice with her children in Australia singing one of her favourite songs: Price Tag by: Jessie Jay


Saturday, 8 July 2017

What are you doing for the holiday's?


I know what i'm doing, it has been forever since I've seen my mum's family, it's nice to be around my dad's family but i'd rather take a rest from them and visit my mum's family for the first week of the holiday's.

If your asking if i am going with anyone I'm going by myself. I feel scared and nervous when the day's come closer, but at least I have family coming with me to say bye.

This a little something extra of what I have been doing for the holiday's.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

What is Report Writing

This is about what report writing is 


This is how you make a maraca in Mexico

Good Reader's

This explains of what a good reader is and how do you become a good reader.

Melvin and The Puppy

(Melvin and the Puppy)

Screenshot 2017-06-14 at 10.02.16 AM.png

It’s always the same thing everyday, but this day was different.
Melvin the robot was walking from his house out on the streets all the way into the park and could hear a loud and strange noise coming from around the corner.
Melvin felt scared and nousis when the noise crept closer to him.

As Melvin got more closer to the noise ,he released it wasn't a child's play  noise it was more like a loud and annoying, but once Melvin got to the corner he was shocked till he saw a puppy.
The puppy had !BANGED! onto Melvin with excitement and, the had soft brown fur that you couldn't stop touching, and blue eyes that sparkled throughout the day.

But there was a slight problem between Melvin and the puppy, the puppy was lost and Melvin didn’t know what to do with the puppy, and Melvin had a plan to save the puppy.

Melvin had decided to take the puppy with him so that the puppy didn’t have to wonder around in the park and, get hurt by other harmful dogs in the park.

So Melvin and, the puppy lived and, they did so many things together in the cold weather of winter, they made jumped into warm blankets by the fire so that they could keep warm during the winter times, and Melvin made hot cups of hot chocolate with a pinch of cinnamon and marshmallows inside and Melvin said to the puppy, “ You will always be looked aftered even though i'm not there.
By: Tiria

Character Description

 ( This is my Character Description of Rapunzel. )

Last Day with everyone in the school!

This is our last day  with Miss Tuia and, Mr Numia .
We will do well next term with our point's of Kiwi Can!

This was the last day with Volley Ball  and our Trainer Tony.
We will miss you and the training you have given us!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Favourite thing in the house.

This is where I like to go after a long day at school. It's always tiring when you come back from school. 

I love to jump on my bed and then fall asleep when I have my Chromebook in my hands.

This will be and always will be my favourite thing  in my house to go on after a long day of walking to school in the morning, walking from school to get home always tiring.

I love my bed.

There are so many reasons why I love my bed, but i'm not going to tell you now.